Summer Solstice 2024
Container closes Friday at 10:30 a.m. We finish Monday afternoon.
Summer Solstice marks the longest, lightest day of the year. It’s a time for celebrate the light from the Sun, as well as a time to nourish the seeds planted in the spring. This solstice will be different from other years, with a deeper connection to Soul. With this said, if you feel your ego cannot surrender to the mysteries of the soul, this is not the container for you at this time.
Our space is limited, so please sign up soon to secure your spot.
We are so excited to share this journey with you.
The Details
Lunch 12 p.m.
Afteroon Ritual 1:30 p.m.
Afternoon Circle 5 p.m.
Dinner 6:30 p.m.
Temple 9 p.m.
Timing subject to change.
Each person will be responsible for co-creating a few meals (lunch and dinner) with another person or two. All food is provided.
What’s included:
↠ food
↠ space
↠ love
↠ camping
↠ communal offerings
↠ temples / rituals / ceremonies
↠ swimming
↠ amazing humans
Please let us know when you register if you have any experiences or gifts you’d like to offer on an individual or communal level.
Fill out this form and send your deposit to snag your spot.
If you haven't been personally invited, connect with Casey by e-mail or Instagram to see if Solstice is the right space for you. After you fill out the form, scroll down to pay for your spot.
Sliding Scale
Please pay what you can.
All amounts can be paid all at once or over a couple of payments.
Temple Nova is a tribe of souls moved by the mystery, working with shamanism, tantra and temple arts in Ottawa, Ontario to revolutionize the way we live and love.
If what we're about resonates with you, come join us.
© Copyrights by Temple Nova 2025. All Rights Reserved.