Topics of Discussion
relational feedback loops: what they are and how to dance with them
relating on the personality, soul and monadic levels: what those mean, how they emerge and how to be with them
human design and rayology and how different rays can be expressed in one individual
how to integrate it all with the body mind through our nervous systems and embodiment practices
Who is this masterclass for?
Your Guides
Jared DuPree is an adventurer, seeker, and lover of life. He enjoys learning about the mysteries of love, mysticism, earth, and creativity. He has sought out wisdoms and experiences from all walks of life be it academics, escoteric mystery schools, indigenous elders, or ancient stories; he currently resides in the Appalachian mountains of NC learning from the trees.
Hi, I'm Casey - Temple Nova Priestess and Sex, Intimacy & Relationship Coach. For me, polyamory and parenting are my two greatest teachers in this life. I have over 10 years of personal experience in polyamory and I am delighted to share the wisdom I've acquired through research and practice over the years.
Temple Nova is a tribe of souls moved by the mystery, working with shamanism, tantra and temple arts in Ottawa, Ontario to revolutionize the way we live and love.
If what we're about resonates with you, come join us.
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